By Teya Barnett

Hypnobirthing. A natural approach to a calm and positive birth

Hypnobirthing is fast becoming an increasingly popular topic in the maternity space. Thousands of couples all around the country have participated in this training with the intention to equip themselves with the knowledge and resources they require for a positive birth experience.


There is still a lot of misconception around hypnobirthing and what it actually is. So, I have enlisted the help of Rosie Fitzclarence, Founder of Geelong Born and lead Hypnobirthing Australia ™ childbirth instructor to help unpack the topic. I was also fortunate to have Rosie as my Hypnobirthing Australia ™ instructor. So, let’s start with a little bit from my own experience before we delve in.


I had come across hypnobirthing whilst trawling the internet on one of my many pregnancy fact-finding sessions and was introduced to a local instructor by my hospital midwife at around 20 weeks into my first pregnancy.


In a matter of days, I had googled the instructor Rosie, somehow convinced my partner it was a good idea and booked in our 2-day hypnobirthing course at Geelong Born.


Rosie is a registered Midwife, Nurse and Childbirth Educator in Geelong and has actually worked in midwifery for 17 years. In 2016 Rosie became a certified Hypnobirthing Australia ™ Childbirth Educator and has been teaching the positive birth program ever since. Her most important role however is being mum to her two beautiful daughters who are 8 and 10 years of age.


I began my hypnobirthing course with my partner when I was approximately 26 weeks pregnant. Upon walking into the venue which was held at a beautiful yoga studio in Torquay, my partner whispered to me

“We better not be watching any birth videos”.

To which I replied,

“No, I don’t think it’s ‘that’ kind of training”.

We entered the room and were immediately greeted by Rosie who seems to form an immediate connection with everyone. I felt instantly comfortable. After taking a seat amongst a group of about 6 couples and about 5 minutes into our session, Rosie asks

“Who wants to watch a birth video”.

And I can see the colour in my partners face drain very quickly.

 Watching the mother in the video birth her child so calmly I was completely in awe and filled with an immediate sense of I can actually do this. I was excited and ready to learn how I too could have this experience with my birth.


During our two days of training, we were provided with a very clear understanding of the physiology of birth. Sounds pretty straightforward but this understanding really is key to be able to better utilise the hypnobirthing tools and techniques you are provided with.

 These included techniques such as breathwork, guided visualisation exercises (which continuously put one father-to-be to sleep), understanding of pressure points and how this can be applied pre and during labour, familiarising yourself with a light touch sensation from your birth partner to promote oxytocin as well as a grounding touch that was a bit firmer to be utilised during a surge (the hypnobirthing term for ‘contraction’).


What I loved about the course was how much involvement was required from your birth partner. I really think my partner felt a greater sense of confidence going in to our first birthing experience because he knew how he could support me both physically and mentally. He was included in creating my birth preference sheet (AKA Birth Plan), so I felt safe and comfortable in the fact he had my back. At the completion of the course, we were each provided with a folio of take-home resources so that the techniques could be practised at home in preparation for birth. I kept my birth affirmations on display on my bathroom mirror and would read them while I brushed my teeth. Breath work exercises were put up in the toilet so I could practice while... well you get the picture. My partner would practice our light touch and grounding touch on me as well as pressure point techniques. As part of the program, you also have access to the visualisation audio tracks that I would listen to at night. The key really is to familiarise yourself very well with the affirmations and visualisations so that when you are in the thick of things in labour, you can more easily ground yourself and connect with the feelings of calm you experienced during your practice.


So, I hear you ask, did it actually work? For me it’s a resounding yes! I was able to have not one but two physiological births with no pain relief (except for a few puffs of Gas) and no intervention. It really was a calm and surreal experience. I was so inside my own mind using my visualisations and birth affirmations. When it all clicked in to place, I was able to truly let go during my surges and I had two fairly fast labours.


So What Actually is Hypnobirthing?
In her own words Rosie describes it this way - I see the Hypnobirthing Australia ™ Positive Birth Program as a toolkit for birth. Parents that attend my classes will learn a variety of techniques for a calm positive birth experience. I discuss the mind-body connection of childbirth and how approaching birth with confidence is an essential ingredient for birth.

Rosie Fitzclarence

The hypnobirthing program is designed for all types of birth. Basically - I promote POSITIVE birth and parents are well prepared for whatever turns our birth may or may not take. Chances are, a woman’s birth will be natural, but all throughout the course I emphasise that the techniques will serve them well in any scenario – physiological labour, induction or caesarean section. The course enhances a couples understanding of pregnancy and childbirth and will help them overcome any possible fears surrounding the process.


The "hypno" refers to self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis is a deep form of relaxation, similar to meditation, with the birthing mother remaining fully aware of her surroundings. During labour, the mother is more in tune with her body, she is more confident and in control and this often translates to less interventions during the birthing process.


I was personally drawn to hypnobirthing because the more I worked with pregnant women, the more I appreciated the fact that labour and birth is MENTAL GAME. You really just can’t wing it on the day! The course down-to-earth, straightforward and easily learned. Choosing to provide a course that is evidence-based was also important to me. A ground-breaking Australian study on effective childbirth education was recently released by Dr. Kate Levett and Dr. Hannah Dahlen. This study highlighted how important it was to not only participate in independent childbirth education classes, but to also find a program that included complementary therapies to support normal labour and birth. It basically halved the intervention rates for births!

I am very proud to say that the Hypnobirthing Australia program ticks ALL the boxes when it comes to providing an effective, evidence-based childbirth education course that also incorporates all of the complementary studies highlighted in the study.



How does the hypnobirthing course propose to help me during labour?

The course is held over two days. 12 hours of tuition time in total. I recommend attending the course before 34 weeks if possible, but many have attended much later than this and still received excellent results.

All participants are provided with a professionally printed folio of resources that are suited to Australian mothers and their birth partners, and our models of maternity care. In addition to this, you receive several professionally recorded hypnobirthing practice tracks, eBook & practice videos – to assist parents in the preparation for a calm and positive birth.

Hypnobirthing Australia™ class participants also receive access to the exclusive parents only online membership portal, which hosts further downloadable resources, hypnobirthing breathing and relaxation exercises, visualisations, hypnobirthing scripts, specially annotated birth videos, a birth partner cheat sheet, sample birth preferences, routine for practice, birth rehearsal, access to our hypnobirthing app, and so much more! 


Is hypnobirthing something my partner can be included in?

Absolutely! These days partners play more of a role in the labouring process, so it makes sense that they get involved in our hypnobirthing classes. Your birth partner can be your partner, husband, wife, doula, sister, friend or mother. Whoever you feel will support you the best throughout your pregnancy and birth.

Partners are encouraged to attend. In saying that, if mums want to go solo that’s fine too.

Participants learn a diverse set of techniques, along with knowledge and tools that will be vital in making well-informed, confident decisions along the way. In hypnobirthing, partners play a central role. Partners learn ways to help throughout pregnancy and birth. Not only being an emotional and physical support during this important time, but also acting as an advocate for both mother and baby.


Is hypnobirthing too ‘Alternative’ for me?

Absolutely not!

Yes – hypnobirthing sounds weird! I actually don’t like the name as one can assume that the course is solely focused on hypnotherapy/hypnosis. There is so much more to the course than just the deep relaxation and it really isn’t “hippy” or “woo-woo”. The course is best described as a comprehensive independent childbirth education program backed by science and taken from up-to-date evidence-based research.

My courses contain four units covering:

1.     Creating and maintaining a positive mindset

2.     Our toolkit for birth

3.     Preparation and choices for empowered birthing

4.     Birth – bringing it all together

I promise there are no pocket watches swinging from side to side during a hypnobirth!


I’m not sure about a group session. Can I book a one on one?

Yes. I do many private classes with Geelong Born. Just simply get in touch and we’ll find mutually convenient times to meet.


What happens if I end up having a Caesarean? Will hypnobirthing still be of use?

Sometimes, a caesarean birth is the safest and best way to birth your baby due to special circumstances. That is completely ok. For those that do the standard course in the pregnancy but then find a caesarean is the better option down the track, then there is a special ‘Change of Circumstances’ add on component to the course. This compliments what couples have already learnt and provides information, tracks and resources to prepare for a positive caesarean birth.

Alternatively, there is a private Positive Caesarean Course that is available to parents having a planned caesarean. This special program which prepares parents for a positive and empowering caesarean birth, using hypnobirthing and relaxation techniques. It is 4 hours in total and geared for those specifically having a “belly-birth”.


What would you say to somebody that says – “Hypnobirthing is not for me I’m having an elective Caesar”?

There is plenty that can be done when preparing for a caesarean. Caesarean birth requires preparation and consideration. There are so many ways you can make a caesarean calm, beautiful, positive and empowering.


Can hypnobirthing be applied to the postpartum period?

The hypnobirthing techniques are tools for life! The strategies learned in the course allow individuals to remain calm and reduce anxiety for pregnancy, birth and well into the future. These are particularly helpful in dealing with the challenges of parenting haha and life’s ups and downs.


How can local couples book in with you?

 Head to my website –

You can book directly from the webpage. If you have any questions about the course, then don’t hesitate to get in touch and I’ll take you though the options.


How can people from other locations find a hypnobirthing instructor?

Know anyone can see me for classes via Zoom, regardless of location.

For face to face classes further afield checkout the Hypnobirthing Australia™ website for listed practitioners.